
Racing has become a very important part of my life. It takes a lot of dedication and a lot of focus but results in a real sense of accomplishment and puts me in great shape. Sharing this information helps keep my mind in the game and lets you read about my experiences :)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Learning Curve

So I have a few minutes here at the end of my day and thought I would take the opportunity to update the ol' blog.
The new job is going fantastic.  I am getting the hang of things and enjoying getting involved in some of the new development projects.   Surprisingly even with a few crappy snowy days the past week or so, I'm not getting too stressed about the commute. 
I'm so excited for Christmas this year.  Well 90% excited.   I've 'bah-hum bugged' my way through the past few Christmases since life was a little stressful and emotional.   But this year I am very excited to spend time with Mark and his family and have him spend time with mine as well.  The reason for the 90% as I'm still bummed out about not having much of any funds to spend on Christmas.   I have to give these small gifts to everyone and I hate that.  I love shopping and wrapping (and having the cats tear my wrapping!) and having piles of gifts for everyone to open.  But this year is definitely slim and for that my 100% goes down to 90% but that's still about 85% more excitement than the past few Christmases :)
I'm still trying to figure out out to motivate myself back into the gym.  Mark and I have both found that we've fallen into that winter "rut" that so many people do and just lack the enthusiasm to find a way to work it into the already short days.  It is eating at me more and more that I feel "bleh" and need to get back into a routine of lifting and cardio so I feel better about myself.
Sort of along that lines, Mark and I have also been in many discussions trying to figure out how to be the best support system for each other when it comes to racing.   We both are very supportive of each other and we both (well a little more on my side) have lingering issues of jealousy when one of us is doing an event and the other one isn't.   I think most all athletes have a hard time being a spectator to some degree.  It's hard to watch anything and not want to be participating.  I've been a gumble bum about feeling like I have to sign up for everything he does and that does two things 1) doesn't give him me supporting him along the course and 2) sometimes puts me into a race I am not excited about doing, just so I can say "I did it too".   Part of me thinks that if I'm standing around as a spectator, other spectators don't think I'm an athlete and that reflects negatively on me.  I look like just a lazy spectator.  (yeah, yeah i know it's insane but maybe some of you other athletes out there can relate). 
For any of my readers, please drop me a line or comment if you have any feedback on this issue.
For now we are really looking forward to racing together this next year but we are also going to be careful to add in a few events that we don't do together.   I think it may just be a learning curve where we get used to the fact that we don't have to do everything the other one does.  I think it will also make the races we do together that much more special.
A few more random notes:
- The cats are doing well although it's very obvious that Maverick doesn't like me not being home all day now.  Some nights when we are at my place he is very needy and needs me to hold him all the time.
- We were at the Tonic Sol Fa holiday concert last night and, as always, it was fantastic!
- We have tickets to go see Christmas Carol at the Guthrie tomorrow night.
- It's fun that Mark and I both enjoy going to shows, musicals, concerts together and we have been getting some great deals at the Guthrie. 
- I actually finished another book!   I know, I know...can you believe it?   I've become a reader!  Since Mark and I have been together, I've finished "It's All About the Bike", "Dewey", "All Creatures Great and Small" (audiobook I listened too on my commute) and am currently reading "The Man Who Swam the Amazon".   I've definitely found that right now I prefer non-fiction where Mark is more of a fiction reader.    He's got this monstrosity of a book he's reading right now "Under the Dome"  That thing is like weight lifting!
- We helped Michael and Cari (Mark's brother and sister-in-law) move into their new house last weekend.  That was a long time coming for them
- Last weekend we also volunteered for Home for Life at the Mall of America and might be going again on Sunday the 20th.  Waiting to hear back if they need us and it's possible Lisa might bring Olive for me to hang out with and show off next time (yay!!!)  And she also said she'd be willing to bring one of the Dobermans for Mark to handle.  Haven't gotten a response yet but my guess is she'll say she wants our help.

So tonight it's off to Target to pick up a few necessities and maybe one 'want'.  I honestly can't afford any 'want' items right now.  Even groceries puts me in the red on a monthly basis.  But thankfully the new job should help resolve that a little.  Plus Mark offered to buy groceries if I make him meals.   DEAL!!!  Especially since most mornings I can get away with putting a bowl of cereal in front of him :-P  But I'm more partial to bagel sandwiches.

I've got a bunch of pictures from some of the items I mentioned above but I'll try to post those tonight in a follow up entry.


Anonymous said...

You two must surely be soulmates, since you both seem to run the exact same pace and finish races together...or... is one of you not really performing at his/her best for the sake of 'togetherness'?

Kris said...

To my anonymous commenter:
I guess maybe I wasn't completely clear but we do run many events together just to do them together and not race for time. When we ARE racing for time, we race separately