
Racing has become a very important part of my life. It takes a lot of dedication and a lot of focus but results in a real sense of accomplishment and puts me in great shape. Sharing this information helps keep my mind in the game and lets you read about my experiences :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Next 90 days

Well actually today is Day 2 so technically it's 89 days.  But anyway......

I'm totally going to cheat and cut and paste some information from Mark's blog since he's very nicely given the details on what our plans are for the next year, race-wise.  I will try to get a complete listing up in the right hand column soon!!

I will second Mark first by saying that 2010 is shaping up to potentially be a banner year.  Finally back in a full time job, getting slowly back on my feet financially, have a wonderful new relationship.  I'm very excited for what is in store.  The past few years have had anything BUT a bright outlook.  I feel like I've finally plugged back into the world and am moving excitedly forward, For those of you that don't know, we also have a combined blog “A Life More Complete”. I invite you to take a look and see what we are up too when we are not racing or training, which is the subject matter for this blog.

When it comes to the fitness, racing, running, triathlon, multisport front, we have now pretty much nailed down our schedule for the year race wise, and we are now putting together the specifics of our training schedule. From a 10,000 foot view 2010 is shaping like this:

Jan 20th – April 20th: will be our 90 day get back into shape for the season and I will explain the 90 day thing in a minute.

April – June: will be focused on running speed with our goal “A” race being William A Irvin 5K where we both hope to set new 5K PR and in particular, I have a goal of a 7:30 pace, while Mark will fly by me shooting for a sub 20 minute 5K.

June – mid September: We switch to the multisport side of things and work on our speed during Sprint Triathlons & Duathlons, with the final race being a strange mix of speed and endurance at Burrito Union 10 Hour Triathlon as a two person relay team. (One of us completes a full sprint triathlon and then the second person starts the “next leg”, another full sprint triathlon on the same course, and then we alternate for 10 hours.  I've heard such great things about how fun this race is so it should be quite the experience!
I also will be signing up for Minneman Tri again.   PRAYING the equipment gods send me a new bike for this summer and I can again beat my time from the prior year.  This race is definitely my "benchmarker" season to season.

September- December: Will see start switching back to running but in an endurance mode with plans to run the New York Marathon (I've got my name in for the lottery, Mark is already running for sure) in November, Las Vegas Rock & Roll Marathon in December and then after the first of the year, Goofy’s Challenge – Half Marathon on Saturday and Full Marathon on Sunday at Disneyland.

It is going to be a full year! Not only with our race schedule but we are also adding new components, winter sports (XC Ski and Snowshoe), Trail Running, Orienteering and Adventure racing as well. Most of those items we will blog about in our combined blog but I'm sure I'll touch on them from time to time here as well since some of that activity will be race type events.

So the 90 day usual we both gained a few pounds over the winter off season but honestly I've been wanting to lose a few more pounds than just getting back down to where I was last summer.  I feel like I'm in "ok" shape now, last summer I was in "good" shape...but I'm shooting for "great".  I haven't felt "great" for years in terms of how I look.  Now that I have Mark in my life to help me better myself and be there training/racing right along side me, I feel confident I can reach my goals.   I've been ridiculously over-eating and continuing on that path will lead to poor race condition for this summer.   So Mark came up with the idea that we are going to take 90 days and get back into shape.  Diet and Exercise.   And it just so happens the end of that 90 days is Mark's 40th birthday.  Figure it I get all back in shape I can count it as a present for him :-P

So here goes....all the stuff a woman normally won't admit too.  But I want to get down all the "yuck" about where I'm at now so that I can have a "YAY!" blog to show how great I've done.   Hold me accountable people.....

Current Measurements:
Arms - 11"
Waist - 28"
Hips - 40"
Legs - 23.25"
Weight - 155lbs

I don’t have any particular goals for the measurements, those are just interesting benchmarks; my major goal is my weight. The plan is to be down to between 140-145 lbs, lean and a low body fat percentage and then we are looking at doing the V2O Max and a new Bod Pod testing for body composition for additional benchmarks going forward.

So how do I (we) get from here to there in 90 days? We have joined ALARC and are attending their Speed & Core class; the classes are on Monday and Wednesday evenings and Saturday morning, which we plan on attending 2 sessions a week. We have also found a different Masters Swim group that is at 6-7am Wednesday and Friday. As much as we both love Scott’s Hopkins Masters group, the 5:30 is just too early for us and the 6:30 is just a little too late before work. We are also going to be on a diet and closely track what we eat with’s Daily Plate.

We have already started getting back out and running this past weekend and our first race, just for fun, is this coming Saturday, the Securian Frozen 5K. A great swag race as they give out a nice coffee cup for finishing the race.

So there it is.  We're in Day 2 and due to the massive calorie reduction I feel like I'm going to fall over!  And thank the heavens I can still fit in my morning coffee with cream!  But it feels good to know I'm doing it and I'm going to make it work.   We didn't take "before" photos yesterday but I think we will do that tonight.  But I might not post them until this is all over :)

1 comment:

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