
Racing has become a very important part of my life. It takes a lot of dedication and a lot of focus but results in a real sense of accomplishment and puts me in great shape. Sharing this information helps keep my mind in the game and lets you read about my experiences :)

Monday, September 21, 2009

A quick, not so happy post

So I feel I have to address something on my blog. It is something I have NEVER had to write about but I guess there are people out there that somehow twisted my life references into being something completely different. Honestly I'm really mad and hurt about all this and after I hit "post" I'm letting all of this negative energy go and moving on away from this situation and those who can't seem to accept me as I am.

I have recently been told that the reason people think poorly of me is because of how I've been acting and what I've been writing on my blog. I was shocked to hear this and went back to re-read every last entry I wrote for the past year. The only conclusion I could draw is that some of you (and you know who you are) are taking my references personally when they have absolutely nothing to do with you. I honestly have never had any reason to ever speak ill of any of you. You have been my family. But unfortunately, due to the recent happenings, our friendships have fallen apart. I'm deeply saddened by this but I've also tried to live my life being able to let things and people go that negatively affect my life. So to those few people, here's the last piece of info I will say about this entire situation:

In all my past entries, my obsure references to "people" or "negative groups" or "they" that are negatively affected my life and how I've been living the past year or so......were about no one other than my ex and the friends/family that have left my life because of my divorce. Those references are not about anyone else, including YOU.

I have spent much of the past few years feeling beaten down by the way my life was going and didn't feel like I had much to offer the world. I didn't know what I wanted. And now that I have finalized my divorce, survived a major lay off from my job and I do have a wonderful, positive relationship and have re-bounded enough to barely get by financially....if somehow that makes you think we can't be friends, then you are right, we can't. I don't want to lose any of you but that's where we've gotten. I just hope you can be mature about this and we can all still hang out together without whispering like children or the rolling of the eyes. Last time I checked we all should be old enough to think for ourselves and not gossip when it hurts other people.

So, sorry to any of my readers that didn't enjoy this post but I'm mad and hurt and need to pound out my last thoughts and now try to simply move on doing what I need to do to make my life continue forward, positive and happy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...; You saved my day again.