
Racing has become a very important part of my life. It takes a lot of dedication and a lot of focus but results in a real sense of accomplishment and puts me in great shape. Sharing this information helps keep my mind in the game and lets you read about my experiences :)

Friday, January 29, 2010

Diet Update and the 2010 Great Lakes Multisport Expo

This week has gone pretty well but I must say that my body has not been happy with this diet.   My doctor swears I'm not diabetic (two people in my family are) but with how crappy I feel sometimes when I'm really hungry I have to figure something is off.   Tired, headaches...just lethargic.   Bleh.....   But to try and combat that, I've been attempting to stretch out my eating during the day as much as possible as to not have massive gaps in between munching.   Monday we went to Core/Speed after work and I felt like my body was going to shut down.   Luckily Mark was full of energy and felt fine but part of me wanted to knock him over and steal some of that energy for myself.  It was awful....

And to add insult to injury, he shows a noticable change at our one week "weigh in" and I only drop 1.5 pounds.   The problem being that I have been flexing between 153-156 for months now so for it to go from 155 last week to 153.5 this week felt like I made no progress through all those days that I felt crappy.  One week down, 11 to go.  Sigh.... hopefully next week will show better results.

We are headed out to Milwaukee this weekend for the 2010 Great Lakes Multisport Expo.   I actually found out about this at work since I was researching RACC and attempting to contact them and see if I could convince them to try ZapEvent for their online registrations.   They actually put on the event and considering it's going to be full of race director's and event info, Mark and I figured it would be a fun reason to get away for a few days, check out more events to possibly participate in and network a bit for my work. 

While we're there, we will of course take the opportunity to:

1) Geocache the Milwaukee area

2) SLEEP IN!! without being woken up by dogs or cats (but please note I will miss them dearly while we're gone :)

3) Run in the Instep 5k Race Against Childhood Cancer on Sunday morning

The Geocaching piece will be documented in our "A Life More Complete" blog so check there over the weekend for details on our adventures and finds.   We are bringing a few of our new 2010 Coffee Love Pathtags along so drop in the area.

Farewell for now....

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