
Racing has become a very important part of my life. It takes a lot of dedication and a lot of focus but results in a real sense of accomplishment and puts me in great shape. Sharing this information helps keep my mind in the game and lets you read about my experiences :)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Week 6 and 7, Wedding Updates and Training

I feel like I start out this way alot but once again I'm behind in blog posts!  I think about writing all the time but just don't seem to actually get around to it.  So I'll apologize if this one is a little "jumpy" in topics!

The diet is going ok although we have been letting ourselves slack a little this past week.  Last week I weighed in at 146.5 which I was happy with.  But this morning after two days of overeating I was up 1.5 lbs.   Argh!   But I guess the good thing is that I know why I didn't lose weight this week.  It's my own fault and now I just have to work to correct it.

Run training has been going ok.  Since the weather is finally getting up in the 40's (F), Mark and I have been outside for a few good runs.  The current plan is to concentrate on 5k speed but get our long runs up to 1hr 30 min before the Lake Minnetonka Half on May 2nd.   I know I still owe you all a list of which races we are signed up for :)

This past weekend Mark and I did the Lifetime Fitness Indoor Triathlon at the Eden Prairie club.   I think had we not signed up and paid for it ahead of time we may not have made it there.  Motivation and sleep has felt low lately and I'll get into that more in a minute.   The indoor tri was 10 minute lap swim, 10 min transition, 30 min spin, 10 min transition, 20 min treadmill run.  I knew I couldn't push too hard on the swim or bike since training in those areas has been lacking but I was basically ok with how my swim went.  The spin was ok, just found a comfortable mid-level pace where I could still talk and managed to keep my legs moving.   I have been on a bike seat MAYBE 2-3 times for a spin class since IMoo.   The bike was really what makes me regret all the time I wasted on that one stupid race.  But someday I'll come out of that funk and maybe accept my finish.  May require a good psychologist but definitely no budget for that.

I digress....

The run was the one real spot I felt (and I think the same goes for Mark) that I could really try to push a little.   I started off at 7.5mph and felt pretty good only being 0.5mph behind where Mark was but of course as he increased his speed, I had to throttle back to 7.0 for the last few minutes and then bumped up to 8.0 for the last minute or so.   Heart rate average was somewhere in the mid 180s topping out at 193.   Here's a link to the results if you wish to see:  LTF Indoor Tri - EP

We also have been passing back and forth this nasty head cold over the past month and that's been our reason/excuse for not getting back to swim training at Master's in the mornings.   I am feeling increasingly guilty ever day I'm still not going to swim training but at the same time I am SO tired in the mornings that getting up seems much more painful than another hour or so of sleep.  We do still enjoy going to Core with ALARC at least once a week for strength/core training.

I am looking forward to the trails clearing and drying up soon as I want to get out for some trail runs.   I'm looking forward to giving that more of a try this year.  Just to mix it up a little and it will also come in handy for our other adventures of adventure racing, orienteering and geocaching mega events that will be talked about on our combined blog. 

Wedding plans are going pretty well.   I had the thought of unveiling the plans more grandly than this but I think I've got to just find one of those planner pages to fill out and keep you connected to as I make updates!   (Suggestions anyone other than The  So the countdown clock on my blog is headed for Dec 5th, 2010.  For those of you that don't know, we have decided to run the Las Vegas Rock and Roll Marathon that day and get married at their "run through" ceremony.   Go to the website and click on Entertainment and then "Run Through Wedding Ceremony"  We run/walk to mile 3.5 where about 50+ couples will either be getting married or renew their vows under the Eiffel Tower at the Paris hotel, we kiss to seal the deal and then take off to finish the marathon.   We met running, got engaged on a run and now will get married on a run.   We wanted to do something different and unique and what would be more fitting?   We are planning to come home and have a reception dinner and dance probably the following weekend.   We have checked out a few venues, one in Eden Prairie right now is the front runner.   The top choices we looked into were Guthrie Theatre or Mill City Museum (can we say WAY expensive!?!) and the MN Zoo (which will be closed for rentals next winter for construction).  

Kinda bummed that money is coming in the way of doing something downtown since we both also have a love for going to downtown shows and restaurants but I guess it's more important we try to save some money to hopefully get a house together.

Currently we still aren't in a place financially to be able to house hunt so our motivation and sleep has been lacking to due the fact that we still need to do a LOT of running back and forth to end up in the same spot in the evenings and keep the cats and dogs taken care of.  Hopefully we can at least start looking before we get married as I think it will be slightly depressing to be looking towards our first anniversary and still have two separate houses.

So this weekend is a fun 5k for St. Patrick's Day.   OSE Shamrock Shuffle.  Results to follow....hopefully less than a week later :-P


Jim said...

I love the wedding-on-the-run idea. That's great. But I'm sad you don't think IM was a positive experience. Is that something you could share more with me?

H Love said...

wow you are brave and creative. wedding on the run will be a memory maker for sure. very cool!

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