
Racing has become a very important part of my life. It takes a lot of dedication and a lot of focus but results in a real sense of accomplishment and puts me in great shape. Sharing this information helps keep my mind in the game and lets you read about my experiences :)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Week 3 and 4

The past few weeks have been a little trying on the diet since we had quite a few things going on.  So the past two weeks basically ended up a wash.  No gain, no loss.   Sigh....   I'm trying not to invision any changes showing up tomorrow either and I guess I'm better off with no expectations and be surprised.

We've been out running a few times which has been refreshing although I still struggle with feeling like my athletic ability is ever going to be anything worth anything.  We've also been to the pool a few times but no adventures on a bike seat (which will likely crush my mental stability to a pulp for awhile) 

We are hoping to get back in the pool on a regular basis starting in March with a new morning swim training routine.   Running just happens whenever possible and we try to fit in strength training once a week. 

I'm feeling a little spratic today in my writing but I wanted to get something down.  The lack of sunlight and mileage driven on a daily basis definitely takes a toll on our free time.   And yes I'm sure you've noticed most of this entry is "us" and "we" (and I love it btw :)

Wedding plans are slowly taking shape.  We are going to a few wedding expos over the next few weeks and will hopefully find some fun creative ideas and then I can give a better report on the plans.   In the meantime, you'll all have to watch my wedding day countdown clock, make your best guesses on why we chose the date we did and be patient until I have enough to "unveil" to you.   :)

1 comment:

Cari said...

Dear Ms. Ironman superstar,
Your athletic ability is something to be envied by little (soft around the edges) house mothers like me as well as most of the general population. You are awesome and don't let anything (especially the little negative Nancy in your mind) tell you differently.
your future SIL <3