
Racing has become a very important part of my life. It takes a lot of dedication and a lot of focus but results in a real sense of accomplishment and puts me in great shape. Sharing this information helps keep my mind in the game and lets you read about my experiences :)

Monday, February 8, 2010

Yukon Days and A Very Shiny Surprise

This this past Saturday we decided to participate in the Yukon Days 1 mile race.  Thought it might be a nice little speed challenge and then we had the option to run in the 5k afterwards as well.   Plus, they were giving out sweatshirts instead of t-shirts :)  We didn't really think much about it but the course was on the lake for both events.  Our original intent was to do the snowshoe 5k but we ran out of time and didn't find a place to rent snowshoes. 
So we got there and trekked out onto the lake for the start.  We decided to each run our own race so as usual, Mark was off like a flash.  I trotted along trying to build speed but quickly got frustrated by the loose footing.  A few inches of loose snow and a frozen lake below. sucked all the energy right out of me.  I was beat and my ankles were not happy by the half mile mark.  Right about that time I got passed by a little old lady and mentally I gave up and just tried to survive the rest of this #&^#&a;! course.   10:32....utterly, disgustingly awful for me.  Mark had an awesome run although he will tell you differently.   But we finished and looked at each other and thought the same thing.  We're done....not running a 5k on that footing!  So we grabbed a glass of water and left.

The rest of the day consisted of some geocaching and Mark's niece's 3rd birthday party.  Those items we will cover in our combined blog.

But let me jump to Sunday.....

So Sunday we didn't have any plans until the evening when we were going over to Mark's brothers house to watch the Super Bowl.  We decided to sleep in and then leisurely have some breakfast and after caring for the dogs and cats, head out for a run around Lake Calhoun.   There was some significance to choosing to drive over to Lake Calhoun instead of running by one of our houses.  Exactly one year ago, we first met at Lake Calhoun when a group of TNTers got together for an early run before the whole team met up.   There was instant sparks from that day forward.  So we were out for an easy run, reminiscing about that day we met and the past year.  Along the east side of the lake, we ran by a bench that we have stopped at a few times in the past to sit and chat and people watch.  It became a special spot for us.  So when we came around the second time, I failed to truly notice that Mark just happened to have to fix his shoe right by our bench.  We stopped for a moment, I stretched my calves while I waited for him and when I turned around to look at him.....

He was down on one knee holding the most beautiful ring I've ever seen.  (well...I did help pick it out awhile ago)  I was stunned, excited and no longer noticed the chilly air.   He asked me to marry him right there in a special place on a special day.  I said "YES!!!"

The below picture is of me in front of our buried bench and our "witness" in the background.  Somebody built a crazy looking snowman with antlers coming out of it's head

So now it's on to another chapter in life.  I am engaged to the most wonderful man and I am very excited to spend the rest of my life with him. 

And for those of you that are curious, yes I do know the WHEN - December 5th, 2010.  We are going to run the Las Vegas Rock 'n' Roll Marathon and get married at the "run through" chapel.   Hoping we can find some friends to join us that weekend but also know it's a lot to ask so I am starting to work on plans for a reception for friends and family when we come home.   We want to have a fun, not so formal party but still somehow incorporate having a bridal party without the expensive dresses and tuxes.  I'm thinking something like running skirts and cute running shoes or something for the girls.....I'm open to fun suggestions :)   We met running, we got engaged running and we will get married running.   Just can't think of anything more fitting for the two of us <3>


Anonymous said...
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Marc said...


Brandon said...

hey Kris, thanks for checking out We've added you to our blogroll. We would love to have you visit more often.

Also, thanks for the facebook page. Even though we're living in Colorado, I'm a Minnesota bred boy. :-)

T said...

haha, that is a good idea for a wedding for two fitness-minded people. :)

too bad it's not a cycle-through wedding chapel; i know primal wear has bride and groom cycling jerseys ...

i wonder if skirtsports has any running skirts in white? i think they do in their winter line ...