
Racing has become a very important part of my life. It takes a lot of dedication and a lot of focus but results in a real sense of accomplishment and puts me in great shape. Sharing this information helps keep my mind in the game and lets you read about my experiences :)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Money, money, money! Outbound that is...

As usual things have been crazy and the only reason I have time to catch up right now on my blog is because I'm stuck at Walser waiting for my car Engine light to be checked.   Ugh....another who knows how many $$$.  Luckily my deductible is $100.   Money has been going out much faster than coming in lately.   Yes I did make the decisions to put the mountain bikes on my credit card AND buy the Tri bike so I guess about $1600 is not necessary outgoing money but oh well.   I am getting a tax refund but on the flip side Mark is going to have to pay in.
While we're on the subject of money, Mark and I have been attending wedding fairs and small expos we've been invited to and getting more ideas on things.   Here's what we've got so far:

1) Found a great cake place last night in Edina (Queen of Cakes) that we think we are going to sit down with and talk about cake designs and options for late night cupcakes to go with the snacks around 9pm
2) Think we have a pretty good idea of what we are going to do with our "wedding party" to celebrate before we take off to Vegas.  Details will come later as I don't want to ruin the surprise until we know for sure
3) We've got the colors pretty much figured out for our decorations/flowers but need to start talking with different florists to see who we want to use.
4) Putting down the deposit today on our reception site (The Garden Room in Eden Prairie)
5) I need to find running shoes for the marathon/wedding.   Being as I'm going to be completing the marathon in them, I'm pretty particular on which brands/models I'll buy but I need to find ones that are white or mostly white with a pink that matches my pink top.   Then at the same time we need to try and find all or mostly black running shoes for Mark.   I love Asics and Mark runs in Mizunos.  Anyone have ideas on where to look?

Not much new on the housing situation.  Our mortgage guy is looking through our stuff now to determine what we need to do to get our credit in line and apply as soon as Mark has his first pay stub or two and we are meeting with the realtor next Thursday over coffee just to start talking about what we are looking for so he can have that in the back of his mind.

So in terms of training I've been really stressing out.  We just don't have the time to get in anything but running.  We are so exhausted from driving all over the place that we don't have the energy to get up really early in the morning to run before work (and then have one of us have to run home before work) or get to the gym to strength train.  That is the biggest stressor for me.   Ever since I first started training for anything, trainers and coaches drilled it into my head that if you want speed to run, you need to incorporate strength training.   We haven't been in the gym for probably a month.

Last night we went for a tempo run around Lake Calhoun.   Without my Garmin (it died...) I have no idea how fast I'm running and we figured I should be running 50 seconds between the 1/10 mile markers.  Well unfortunately they are not clearly marked all the way around the lake and I knew I was just about right on during the first mile.   Then I lost the markers for awhile, my heartrate was in the high 180s, low 190s and I caught a set of markers and I was sure I was running them at a 1 minute interval.   I was beat and I wasn't keeping my tempo pace (so I thought) so I pushed hard and when I saw the next 1/10th was close to a minute again, I basically had to slow nearly to a walk for a minute to catch my breath.   I don't know what my body/mind problem is but that was a bonified panic attack.   Never EVER had them before last year's training.   I was devistated that I didn't think I was on pace.  
I finished the run feeling like I was going to die, knowing I basically ran a race and not a tempo run because I thought I wasn't going fast enough.   But as you can guess by my wording, what I THOUGHT wasn't right.   I actually ran a 5k in 24:28(ish...couldn't look at my watch right when I stopped because I was dying so I think it was about that)   That was about a minute or so faster than I was supposed to run and 1:10 slower than my final goal I want to run at the Irvin 5k.  So I've got two months to figure out how to shave off 1 minute and 10 seconds (pray for me......)

Next up is the Trail Mix this Saturday.  We are running it as a 4 person relay team.  50k total but each of us run about 7.75 miles.   Mark, myself, my friend Mandy and Mark's buddy Steve are doing it together.   Should be a lot of fun as I'm getting more and more into the trail running thing.   Although trail running takes MUCH more out of me than road racing does.

And I didn't get into the ING New York Marathon so unfortunately I won't be running that with Mark but I did decide that I still wanted to do something long distance so we can kind of train together.  Although I can't keep up with him so we'll be doing more support roles while training for these two.  I'm going to do Surf the Murph.  It's a small race in terms of field size but I've heard it's a great course.   It's a trail run south of the cities and is the weekend before New York.   I haven't decided yet if I'm going to do the marathon distance or the 50k (31ish miles)   I've read that the marathon course is a slightly different route and is actually harder terrain than the double loop 50k so I have to think about that.

For now, I have to go grab my rental car and head to work.  (Should be about $123 when I pick up my car later.  Would be more if not for my service plan)

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