
Racing has become a very important part of my life. It takes a lot of dedication and a lot of focus but results in a real sense of accomplishment and puts me in great shape. Sharing this information helps keep my mind in the game and lets you read about my experiences :)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

No swimming or biking but running! Housing, wedding and training

I've been trying to get around to writing this for a week or so now but as usual, the few times that I do get time to sit still and think about it, I don't want to do anything other than NOTHING.  So while I may skip some details of the past few weeks, I'll try to get you caught up again.

Trail Mix 50k relay - This was a really fun race.  Granted the near perfect run weather and fantastic trail conditions probably had something to do with it but I would definitely recommend this one to anyone.   I was happy with our time (Mark held back to run with me) and just enjoyed the great run.   It was a relay that we did with my friend Mandy and Mark's friend Steve.  It was a little different in that we all started at the same time, ran the same distance and our times were just added together to come up with our final result.   I ran the 7.75 in 1:15:55 which was a 9:48 pace.   Considering trail runs are harder and I wasn't really pushing for speed, I'll take it.

Run Training - Been going pretty well although mentally I'm feeling under conditioned since I haven't been doing any strength training which is one of the first things that was drilled into my head by my trainers and coaches.   We've been trying to run 5-6 days a week with a long run on the weekend and a speed training day usually on Wednesdays.  The long training is longer than typical 5k focus training but that's because we have a few longer fun races planned and would like to come out without injury.   Next being this weekend at the Lake Minnetonka Half Marathon.   I've done this race the past two years and this year is extra special since it's their 30th anniversary and are giving out finisher's medals.   Yes....I am a swag snob :-P

Diet - So while we kind of let the diet go loose on what was supposed to be the final few weeks leading up to Mark's 40th Birthday (ps we had quite a fun weekend so checkout the blog write up on that) I did manage to weigh in last week at 144.5 lbs so I have technically reached my goal but I have decided to try to spend the next month leading up to MY birthday to continue the diet with a small change to now budget in calories lost from workouts to get down to 140.   I can tell my clothes fit better but I worry a lot lately that some of that weight is muscle loss.   I have only been running for the past few months.  No swimming, no biking, no weight training.  It's eating me alive that I have no drive to squish any of this into my schedule.  I want to WANT to do these things but I'm just too worn out and tired.   Which leads me to my next topic...

Searching for a house - Now that Mark has a full time job and is no longer a contract worker, he has provable income and we have been working with my past saviors (during the buying of my townhome AND the refinance after my divorce) Chris from Bell Mortgage and Tyler from ReMax.  They are doing everything they can to help us get everything in order to sell my house, rent out Mark's house and buy ONE house for us to live in.  Keep in mind with 5 dogs and 2 cats that I will NOT EVER let come into contact, we have a few unique needs but nothing that crazy.   Some days I just fall to pieces being so tired of maintaining two house and 7 pets.  It's so much driving and wears on me mentally, physically and emotionally.  I know Mark has the same moments from time to time as well.   So having one house just sounds like the ultimate answer right now.   One house, one set of house payments, less time on the road, more time for the pets, more time for us.....   I feel awful right now that I'm never home with my cats.   I am the type of person that feels sick if I don't get fresh air so I feel horrible that I'm not home to give them time with me and with the windows open.   I'm having a horrible time being ok with having to go into a stuffy cubicle every Monday through Friday but that could be a whole different blog post.  I love my job but I literally feel sick thinking about being in cubicle conditions for much more of my life.   I need fresh air, I need sunlight....(at the right moment I'll likely want to blog and freak out over this issue to all my readers but for now I digress)....There's one big problem, we can't make a move until we can figure out how to come up with about $8,000 for a downpayment.   We just don't have it anywhere, nor can we save that kind of cash while maintaining two houses and trying to get married.   I'm very nervous that this is going to keep us from being able to get our new home :(  So much is really on hold until we can figure this out or find a way to borrow the money.  Stay tuned...

Wedding plans - are going along but not too quickly.  Again, not much time and not much money.   We did spend this evening at Atlas Grill for a complimentary tasting session.  Wow, the food there is unbelievable!  Plus the "tasting" was basically a full 4 course meal for both of us.  We are considering this location for a special party before we go to Vegas for the marathon but nothing set yet.  We are also going to a wedding band expo on Friday night to see if we can find Mark a ring.   And I'm trying to find the time and energy to put together our info on but just haven't gotten to it yet.

So that should get you up to date for now.  As with my last few posts, I really am going to try to get into a habit of posting shorter posts more often!   Please send us good luck to either win the lottery or "accidentally" come into an extra $8k that doesn't have a catch of some sort!

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