
Racing has become a very important part of my life. It takes a lot of dedication and a lot of focus but results in a real sense of accomplishment and puts me in great shape. Sharing this information helps keep my mind in the game and lets you read about my experiences :)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

No Longer Obsessed

Well as anyone that is within 1000 mile reach of me, you got my obsessive PLEASE HELP, VOTE FOR US!!! messages last week for the wedding contest.   I'll spare the details and let you read more about us and our wedding contest HERE.   We are still waiting to see if we won, we were in 2nd place and really couldn't figure out the couple in 1st place so we are hoping they were a fake or they totally cheated!!  Results were supposed to be posted today but no luck.....stay tuned.

We have been out running a lot lately and have officially written up our training plan betweeen now and Las Vegas.   It likely won't include too many actual events because money is well beyond tight but have a few in mind.  We can get into Monster Half for free because of our volunteer hours and we've been eyeballing the Birkie Half Trail Run as well.  1) because it's a huge trail run and 2) has a sawheet medal!

Work has  Don't get me wrong I do enjoy what I do but spending time in a cold little cubicle with very little human interaction and really annoying office environment "things" makes me want to "Pull a Slater" (which is what a lot of people seem to be calling it after yesterday's national news), I decided that I needed to request a change.   Since it's a small company, there are currently no benefits including no holiday pay so I opted to ask for days at home.  For now we discussed allowing me two days a week to work from home.    :D I can't even tell you how much happier that makes me.  I worked from home for a number of years and I miss my own environment, the stress-free-ness of my own desk, being able to throw in a load of laundry, work with my kitty on my lap, not have to bring crappy microwave meals for lunch, being able to open the window and get FRESH AIR!!!!  So my sanity has been spared a bit.

Totally different subject...I'm very excited that this Saturday is the annual open house at Home for Life so I get to go spend a few more hours there and cuddle with all the animals and my sweet girl Olive.   Not sure if I posted this before but here is a photo from our last visit last month where my sister came along.

Deb and Lily and Lily's friend Kate get to join us at the open house and I hope they enjoy getting to see the facility and all the great work they do to care for these animals.   And of course meeting my sweet Olive :)

(look out....left field!) We haven't been back to the pool in a LONG time.  Last time I did laps anywhere was maybe once since Minneman on July 4th.   Now that we are getting more settled into one house together, I think we are just enjoying that we can choose to sleep in so we haven't made it up to the pool just yet but I'm pretty confident one of these days we are actually going to regain the WANT to go swimming and then we'll fall back into a 2x per week rhythm for over the winter.

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