
Racing has become a very important part of my life. It takes a lot of dedication and a lot of focus but results in a real sense of accomplishment and puts me in great shape. Sharing this information helps keep my mind in the game and lets you read about my experiences :)

Friday, January 8, 2010

A New form of Butt Kicking (and abs, and arms and shoulders....)

As Mark and I are figuring out our working routines, training schedules and races for 2010 we heard about a group that sounded too perfect to pass up on trying.  It's the ALARC running club and their Core/Speed progam.  For what I consider a very reasonable fee, you can join them up to 3x per week for 1.5 hour session of core strength training and speed work. 
Since we are just starting to come off of our winter hibernation we knew going into this that this could be a little tough for the first few sessions.  And boy was it ever!  Being athletes we were handed to the more advanced group.   The session contained circuits of track running with alternating stations of core, legs and arms.   The group leaders were fantastic and gave us great instruction on how to ease back into things and not blow out our bodies before the night was over.  I was doing a lot of the easier positions and still came out exhausted, sore and hungry!   All very good things!  Here's the whole group during the warm up.

I think it's safe to say for both of us that we are HOOKED!  And I honestly recommend this program to athletes of all ages and skill levels.   The group leaders are great at giving options to increase or decrease difficulty and everyone is very friendly.   They even all go out for food and drink after the sessions together.   How great is that?!  I really appreciate finding groups that not only have a strong focus on fitness but also on camaraderie.

And needless to say, now two days after the first ALARC Core/Speed session, everything hurts.....but it's a good pain ;)

Quick note on another subject, so I got my new trail shoes (first pair) and am super excited to try them out this year.  You can see them on our other blog (A Life More Complete).  I/we have a few trail races on the schedule to see what we think of going off-road.  I can really see myself enjoying it.   We opted to stay on the lower end of the price range since at this point, neither of us really know what we prefer in a trail shoe.  I figure as we progress we can move up in price with the features we know we like.  

And I promise we are working hard to get our 2010 scheduled nailed down so I should have my list up soon :)

Anyone have recommendations for trail shoes?  Trail races in the Midwest?


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Anonymous said...

Good dispatch and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you as your information.

Marc said...

Glad to see life is going well! You deserve it keep on pushing for all that is good!

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