
Racing has become a very important part of my life. It takes a lot of dedication and a lot of focus but results in a real sense of accomplishment and puts me in great shape. Sharing this information helps keep my mind in the game and lets you read about my experiences :)

Monday, July 20, 2009

MiracleKids Triathlon, Training and Life updates

I've been absolutely swamped with work since the first MiracleKids Triathlon was this past Saturday. The weather was a little cool in the morning but it was a great day overall for the kids to be racing. I won't go into detail but everything went fine and the kids all had a great time. I was SO excited to meet Ali and Nina, a couple of the MOMF kids that came to be recognized at two of Mitch's All Stars. Both of them have battled cancer and are doing fantastic :) Love ya girls!

Training has been stressful to get fit in. I have very little breaks in most days to get it all done but so far I've been keeping up with the TriFuel schedule. Unfortunately I had to make Saturday a "rest" day since we ended up not finishing clean up until 5:00pm and I was exhausted!

Sunday I decided on getting in my first century ride for the year. The MN Tri Club hosted a 100-mile ride that for non-members was only $10. It was supported by 4 aid stations (every 20 miles) that had gatorade, power bars, fruit, and other snacks. Not to mention they were placed by gas stations so bathrooms were also available. It was a cool start at 7:30am but shorts and long sleeves did the trick. It started in Coon Rapids on Northdale Blvd, went north onto part of the Minneman bike course and then straight up and back on 47. Here's a crude little map:

At each of the aid stations I did stop to refuel. I found lemon lime Gatorade was totally doing the trick for me that day. I tried not to spend more than just a few minutes stopped at each station as to not allow my body to completely cool off. Somewhere around mile 40 I started to have problems with being uncomfortable on my seat. I'll spare you the details but around mile 70, it was much more about that then my legs being tired! I also was surprised when my knee started giving me problems again with down stroke power somewhere around mile 70 but it seems better today. All in all I had a total saddle time of 6:31:58 which averages 15.4 mph.
Now I know that was likely a much flatter course than Ironman but I've figured I need to keep up a 12.4mph pace in order to complete the bike portion by the 5:30pm cut off time. I've been worried about the bike all summer so this was a nice confidence booster.
Once I was done with the 100-mile bike I unfortunately had to go out for a 50-min run. Nothing fast, no speedwork, just keep the body moving for another 50 minutes on my feet. The next few weeks are the "big stuff" for Ironman training and most of the weekend workouts have no details other than to keep moving, no stopping.
This next week is 18hours 20minutes total workout time. I think our longest week is coming up early August and that is 19 hours. Here's a link to this week's workouts for anyone that is interested in peeking into my world:
As far as the "life" portion of this blog goes.... I'll do a very brief catch up for you. I'm not big on writing about this stuff but it's significant enough of information I figure I need to get everyone up to speed. Kevin and I filed for divorce (hate that word) a few weeks ago and now it's basically just waiting for the papers to come in the mail saying "your relationship is legally over, have a nice day". We've been working through things very well together and we are trying to help each other come out of this as best as possible. But I have some very hard moments dealing with it from time to time. My sister just finalized her divorce today and is handling it as best as she can. We NEVER would have thought we'd be sharing this kind of experience together. I'm spending as much time as I can trying to get my finances in order and figure out how I'm going to survive on my current income of two part time jobs. Biggest worry is my townhome loan. I need to sit down with a loan officer and see if they are going to give me the loan on my own or if I'm going to need a co-signer.
That's enough of that......
Today I actually have the day off from work so I'm trying to catch up on house cleaning, filing, dishes, etc. All the stuff that gets severely neglected most days. Off to the chiropractor here in a little while. I'm sure once he starts my adjustments, he's going to wonder what the hell I've been up to.
Next week - Torchlight 5k (for fun) and Chisago Half Iron on Sunday - 54 days to Ironman

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